Tips to Improve Workplace Security
A critical element to running a successful business is safety. This includes protocols to protect your data and information, but more importantly for the safety of your employees, customers, and guests.
Start with a written plan. Check with your local emergency service providers like police and fire, as well as national safety programs. This should include measures for natural disasters as well as avoiding trips and falls or other injuries.
Look into a security system that includes cameras. There are companies that work with small businesses that can help you decide what system might work best for you, as well as placement for the cameras. Keep areas well lighted including parking areas and entrances. Don’t keep your security system a secret. Posting signs about your security company and the fact that your building is alarmed can deter many criminals.
Using id badges with photos and that operate electronic locks on doors will help prevent unwanted intruders. Also inform your employees to avoid letting someone they don’t know enter the building along with them, piggy backing on a legitimate employee. All guests should have a visitor badge and be escorted from the reception area and back out the front door at the end of the appointment.
Encourage employees to avoid working alone, especially at night or weekends. If it is necessary, all doors should be locked securely.
Regular attention should be given to all entry points including fire escapes or delivery entrances.
Encourage all your employees to lock computers and desk drawers that contain sensitive or important material. Labeling equipment is an easy way to determine if something is missing or out of place.
Drill for evacuations. Make sure your employees know it is not a true emergency but that they need to treat it as if it were. That includes taking any back up tapes or drives out the door. Each manager or supervisor should have a specific location in the parking lot where all the employees in that group will gather and be accounted for.