Welcome to Southeastern Telecommunication Services. Here you will find the information you need to contact our support team.
You can contact our Support Team by phone any time, call us directly at (613) 544-6701 or toll-free at (800) 267-0931.
Email our Support Team –
Contact our Sales Team –
Our normal hours of operation are Monday to Friday 8:30 am to 4:00 pm. For after-hours emergency support, please call 613-544-6701 and leave a detailed message in our general mailbox. A technician will call you back as soon as possible.
To place a service request, please email and a member of our service Team will be happy to open a support ticket and assign a dedicated Service Technician to assist you.
Southeastern has invested in a Customer Relationship Management System (CRM) to assist our team in providing excellent quality customer service. We have systems in place to ensure your request is completed in a timely manner. To assist our Team please place all service requests through our service department rather than contacting a Technician directly.
Thank you for choosing Southeastern Telecommunication Services for your communication needs. If you need further assistance, please feel free to contact us at any time.
You may also complete our form below and select the reason for contact.